Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bound To Come Some Trouble

Hello everyone.

I can hear the scolding now. I sincerely apologize for how long  it has taken me to upload a post. But I have a very good reason. Actually a lot of good reasons.

I had a beautiful post written on my Blackberry phone and was just waiting for the opportunity to upload it, when my Blackberry was stolen. So, that set me back a week as we dealt with that issue and tried to find me another phone. I retyped the post on my computer and when I was at the church to upload it, my computer stopped working. That set me back another week while I tried to get my computer fixed. Which didn't happen. At that point I was so discouraged with technology I just gave up. Now I am working at Strathyre Home for Girls and I have access to internet so I am taking advantage of the opportunity to let you know why I haven't written in over a month.With just three weeks left I will try to post weekly but things happen so I apologize in advance if it doesn't work out.

The month of April went by so fast and I had an amazing time living in community, working at the Sierra Nevada Primary School with Team indiAfrique, spending another week at Amkhaya and working from Seth's home this last week meeting important people in the area of theatre, painting his house and enjoying good home cooked bunny chows. I've been learning about leadership, freedom vs. control, oppression and assertiveness. I thank God daily that he "did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity but of love and power and of a sound mind."

Thank you for your continued support and prayer and I look forward to seeing everyone again very soon!


  1. Love reading your updates!
    Katie O.

  2. Thanks so much for the letter Alison!!! Enjoy your last few days!!! Love you!!!
